Scy'kadia Wikia

Past the Sword Sea & the Sea Of Dawn lie lands & realms uncharted. Tales are told of portals, many scattered in the Heart of Weft, which lead to entirely new worlds. Places the Weftyril chose to visit; places they forgot... From time to time, strangers arrive in Scy’kadia claiming to hail from these far off places. Perhaps they speak truly… who can truly say for certain?

Please note: Each realm in Scy’kadia is inspired by well known fantasy – & in many cases, historical tropes. This is to allow players to embody, via costume & behaviour, characters that could fit right in with their favourite fantasy worlds & time periods… whilst also retaining a distinctive Scy’kadian identity. Please take the time to read up on these realms before endeavoring to create your own. Ask yourself; "What does this new realm bring to the game that doesn't already exist? What will it do for the other players in the game, not just myself?"

Established minor realms Beyond

Valar - Flintlock Fantasy, Europe at the dawn of the blackpowder era. A relatively small, foggy Island state.
