"Most people only see the black and white of this world, neglecting the grey between."
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General Overview[]
Kriger is a human adventurer and shaman residing within the Guardian Vale. Whilst his exact description and attire can vary, the most common elements of his appearence are his fair skin, brimmed hat, red tunic and leather/scrapwork belts, usually coupled with a gamberson or breastplate. As a netheric shaman, Kriger has various ghosts at his command, assisting him in battle from the safety of the Nether, whilst interfering with his enemies' battleplans. Despite his reliance on ghosts, this tribesman is more than capable of defending himself and has no problem fighting alongside both the living and comporal undead. Favouring sword and shield, Kriger has been known to swiftly cut down opponents and enemies who've underestimated him.
Kriger was born into a nomadic tribe dedicated to the teachings of Kree and Voy'himloc, an irregularity compared to many other tribes of Frael. Growing up in the harsh deserts under the beating sun, Kriger was quick to pick up on the skills and traits needed for survival, whether that be hunting, tracking, gathering or scavenging. Whilst he loved his father and mother dearly, he not only struggled to accept the anti-ruinous beliefs that they attempted to instill within him, but found himself questioning them on multiple fronts.
During 646MR, whilst on a solo expedition, Kriger would cross paths with a cambion witch, Vesper, whom was studing the ruins of the Pharidae. Despite the tenion between them, the two were able to sit down and maintain a cordial conversaion that turned into discussion. Over the next couple years, Kriger would make several trips out to the witch, not only learning about the ruinous side of magic, butnot every person of unholy origin was as bad as his tribe made them out to be. Even when it didn't concern undead or Ruin, Kriger found himself learning about various topics concerning of the wider world, including the long-gone Weftyril Empire What started as collabration beteween fellow researchers eventually turned into an unlikely romance.
However, in early 648MR, the two of them were discovered and attacked by a group of Bone Hunters. By the time the dust settled, the only person still alive was Kriger. Heartbroken and knowing he couldn't back to his tribe, Kriger began making his way west, heading through the Crosslands, crossing paths with a group of adventurers whom informed him of a small community within the Weft called Guardian Vale. Figuring it would give himself somewhere safe to regroup and figure out what to do with himself, Kriger made his way north, eventually arriving at the Edge of Guardian Vale and where he could finally relax, only for the full Blood Moon to begin rising above the valley...
- "Destroy the Darkness, Envelop the Light! Let's show these fools our combined Might!"
- "I seek a place in the world where the person isn't judged for what they look like nor what they believe, but for what they do".
- Add some rumours