Scy'kadia Wikia
Scy'kadia Wikia
This one

The Winged Avengers practicing drills (left to right: S Jerry, L Reiner, K Hallard, C Alaric, C Mortimus, C Julianus, C Ardne, S Randall).

The Crow Bros is a mercenary warband focused on its ideals of brotherhood and notoriety. The company's goal is to become the most notable mercenary company in modern times.

'Daj bez kwartału!

Give no quarter!'

- The Crow Bros motto

The Crow Bros is currently contracted to The Taverner as protectors of Tavern Town


The Crow Bros was founded by the half orc Tanotar and Vesir during an necromancer crisis during 646MR.

Under the third and current Kapitan Hallard's leadership the company moved from being a roving band of assorted mercenaries to being a contractually bound military force.

Company Standards[]

The Crow Bros has a standard of not working for religious or otherwise zealous reasons. Taking work where possible as mercenaries, guards, soldiers and explorers the band may take to a cause out of preference or choice over geld.

After joining as a commissioned member of the company a cossack is afforded the right to a company uniform and shield. Uniform consisting of: one brigandine which is to be maintained by the member, a blue scarf to be worn in any way and a blue tunic conforming to company colours.

IMG 4763

Cossack Jerry Innsworth sporting his company shield, featuring the Crow Bros standard on the top right quarter, the Innsworth sigil a black owl on a yellow field and two stripes representing his rank of Sierzant.


Sir Reiner Blutstern  - Kapitan[]

Randal Blackmont - Lejtnant[]

Julianus Chevert  - Sierzant[]

Jerry Innsworth - Sierzant[]

Sir Hallard of Kesfort - Doradca[]

Koshka of Frith - Cossack[]

Ardne- Cossack[]

Mortimus - Cossack Deceased[]

Alaric Fiore - Cossack[]

Minerva - Cossack[]

Ifen - Cossack[]
