Scy'kadia Wikia
Scy'kadia Wikia

Founded in late 649 MR amidst the turbulence of the Weft, the Spellguard are a loose organisation of seekers and preservationists who aim to safeguard arcane knowledge from those who might destroy it. Whether out of fear, ignorance, or malice, the conscious destruction of magical artefacts, the burning of arcane rituals and tomes of knowledge, and the persecution of those with latent occult talents must be opposed lest the world be deprived of the gifts provided by Magic's mysterious and wide embrace.

The Spellguard was founded among and currently camps with the Circle. They are the Circle’s vanguard where a martial presence is required, either protecting the scholarly members of the camp whilst they perform their research or striking out against the Circle’s enemies with swift and precise judgement. While their mandate encompasses the preservation of magical knowledge, they also work to safeguard the integrity of historical arcana and the free flow of information. Among other things, the Spellguard has no tolerance for slavery, both of the corporeal and of the intellectual.

Their number can be identified by the silver aegis emblazoned on their garb.



The Spellguard as of 654MR: Alonzo of the Green Troupe, Ga'rth Oakland, Correlius Adkarus, Commander Lethe, Gregor Brewdel, Gregory van Rickton, and Tempest
